LCD Monitor Systems

LCD Monitor Systems


Scrimsign has been in the large flat screen display market since the late 1990’s in a sector that has become known as Digital Signage. This is a term that we are not particularly keen on as other digital display technologies such as LED have long predated this format. 

In our information driven world, clear and effective communication is a key component of any organisation and the major advantage of LCD digital signage over more traditional formats is the ability to display high quality images and video with sound if applicable. With the right content LCD Digital Signage can engage and inform your target audience very effectively. 

Scrimsign has deployed systems ranging from simple full screen applications running from an attached PC to full blown Multiple Zone Digital Media players with full internet connectivity. Our most notable roll out of Large Screen Digital Signage was with Alliance & Leicester initially with 40” Plasma Displays integrated into their branch furniture. The project then progressed to 40” and 46” LCD Displays behind the counters and Sunlight Viewable LCD displays mounted above their ATM machines. 

We can supply most of the big names in LCD display technology such as NEC, Sharp, Samsung, Planar, Philips, LG etc. Typical display sizes start at around 32” with 70” and 80” displays now being a common sight. The manufacturers are constantly releasing larger displays in this fast moving market. 

Scrimsign support a wide range of Digital Signage Media Players and are distributors for the market leading Onelan Digital Signage range as well as other well established manufacturers such as BrightSign. 

Other options available include touch screens including and sunlight viewable displays utilising either transflective or transmissive technology. We also now supply a range of free standing totem LCD Digital Signage products. 

The world of LCD Digital Signage can be a bewildering one and there are many options and different ways of achieving your goal. Scrimsign will guide you through the whole process from concept to system installation and after care. 


Electronic signs say a lot about your business. They’re a good fit for today’s transparent, highly connected information age. They make you stand out from the competition and allow open communication with both staff and clients alike.